Integrated Approach to Mine Haul Road Design and Management

The operating performance of a mine haul road can be subdivided into four distinct design components, and when designing and constructing a haul road for optimal performance, these design components are best addressed using an integrated approach. If one design component is deficient, the other components may not work to their maximum potential and road performance is often compromised. This will most often be seen as ‘maintenance intensive’ or high rolling resistance roads, translating to increased equipment operating, downtime and repair costs. The cure, however, is not necessarily just ‘more frequent maintenance’; no amount of maintenance will fix a poorly-designed road.

For further details, see the book:

Mining Haul Roads: Theory and Practice
1st Edition
Roger Thompson, Rodrigo Peroni, Alex T. Visser

CRC Press
Published December 11, 2018
Reference – 294 Pages
ISBN 9781138589629
CAT# K386669

More general details of the approach are available here as a slideshow.