Here are some key references on safety issues relevant to mine haul roads.
Aldinger, J.A., Kenney, J.M. and Keran, C.M. 1995. Mobile Equipment Accidents in Surface Coal Mines. USDOI Bureau of Mines IC 9428.
AUSTROADS. 1994. Road safety audit. National Association of Road Transport and Transport Authorities of Australia, AUSTROADS Publication AP-30/94, Sydney, Australia.
Fesak G.M., Breland, R.M. and Spadaro, J. 1996. Analysis of Surface Powered Haulage Accidents. Mine Safety and Health Administration, USDOL HAS Bulletin. http://www.msha.gov/PROGRAMS/HSAPUBS/SURPOWER.pdf. Accessed 1.11/2009.
Fourie G.A.F., Smith, R.A.F., Thompson R.J. and Visser A.T. 1998 Benchmarking haul road design standards to reduce transportation accidents. International Journal of Surface Mining and Reclamation Engineering, vol 12, n4, December, pp157-162.
Randolph, R.F. and Boldt, C.M.K. 1996. Safety analysis of surface haulage accidents. Proc. 27th Annual Institute on Mining Health, Safety and Research. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. p:29-38.
USBM. 1981. A Study of Mine Haulage Roadway Surface Safety Hazards. USDOI, Mines, Minerals, Health and Safety Technology Division, Bumines OFR 5-83.