Haul road structural design concerns the ability of the road to carry the imposed loads without the need for excessive maintenance or rehabilitation. Haul roads deteriorate with time due to the interactive effect of traffic load and specific sub-grade (in-situ) material strengths and structural thicknesses.
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) structural design method has been widely applied to the design of mine haul roads in which untreated materials are used. However, when multi-layered roads are considered in conjunction with a base layer of selected blasted waste rock, a mechanistic approach is more often appropriate.

For further details, see the book:
Mining Haul Roads: Theory and Practice
1st Edition
Roger Thompson, Rodrigo Peroni, Alex T. Visser
CRC Press
Published December 11, 2018
Reference – 294 Pages
ISBN 9781138589629
CAT# K386669
CIRCLY 7.0 software fully automates mechanistic design of unpaved mine haul road pavements trafficked by heavy mine vehicles and dump trucks etc.
See these pages for an overview of the CIRCLY 7.0 Haul Road Pavement Design Feature.
Additional references are here.