These references cover functional design of mine haul roads.
Atkinson, T. and Walton, G. 1983 Design and Layout of Haul Roads for Surface Mines. Surface Mining and Quarrying – Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Surface Mining Symposium. Bristol. pp 139-149
Collins, J. L. Fytas, K. and Singhal, R. K. 1986. Design, Construction and Maintenance of Surface Mine Haulage Roads. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geotechnical Stability in Surface Mining, Calgary, Alberta. Pp 39-49
Giummarra, G.J. Foley, G. and Cropley, S. 1996. Road Dust Control Techniques. Evaluation of Chemical Dust Suppressants Performance. ARRB Transport Research Special Report 54
Jones, D. and Paige-Green, P. 1996. The Development of Performance Related Material Specifications and the Role of Dust Palliatives in the Upgrading of Paved Roads. Proceedings of Roads 96, vol. 3. ARRB. Pp199-212
Kaufman, W.W. and Ault, J.C. 1977. The design of surface mine haul roads a manual. USDOI Information circular 8758.
Mc Innes, D.B. 1982. The selection of gravels for use on unsealed access roads. Australian IMM conference on off-highway truck haulage, Mt Newman, Australia.
Taylor, P.F. and Hurry, P.A. 1986. Design, Construction and Maintenance of Haul Roads. The Planning and Operation of Open-Pit and Strip Mines. Ed Deetlefs, J.P., SAIMM. pp 139-149
Thompson, R.J. 1996. The design and maintenance of surface mine haul roads. PhD Thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Thompson, R.J. and Visser, A.T. 2000. The functional design of surface mine haul roads. Jnl. of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 100:3, May/June, pp169-180.
Thompson, R.J. and Visser, A.T. 2000. The reduction of the safety and health risk associated with the generation of dust on strip coal mine haul roads. Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Collieries Sub-committee Final Report. Project COL 467, Pretoria, South Africa.
Thompson, R.J and Visser, A.T. 2002. Benchmarking and managing surface mine haul road dust emissions. Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (UK), Section A, 113.
Thompson R.J. and Visser A.T. 2006. Selection and maintenance of mine haul road wearing course materials. Trans(A) (Mining Technology) Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Materials (IMMM). 115:4, pp140-153